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Electric heater related standards
Source£ºThis web site  Hit£º5574 Time£º2014-6-20

1. JB/T2379-93 "metal tube shape electric heating element,

2 GB/T19835-2005 "since the limit temperature tracing band"

3. GB10067.1-88 "electric equipment general part of the basic technical conditions",

4. GB5959.1 "the safety of the general electric equipment parts, the first part of the general requirements

5. GB5959.2-1998 safety of electric equipment The second part of the special requirements of electric arc furnace equipment

6. GB5959.3-88 electric equipment safety The third part of induction and electric heating equipment and the special requirements of induction melting equipment

7. GB/T 10066.1 88 test method for general electric heating equipment parts

8. GB3836.1-2000 "explosive gas environment with electrical equipment,